In a world where everyone is so self-obsessed and focused on how to obtain more, how to become greater, or make more money, the world needs a giver; somebody others-focused.  Everyone is chasing a dream for themselves and most are willing to do anything to achieve it. Few have the mindset of helping others achieve their dreams.
In the bible there was a man named John the baptist. He was traveling around telling people that there was a way they could have eternal life and escape the wrath of God. Everyone was running to him to find out how they could be saved because of course nobody wants to experience the wrath of God! The crowds asked John, “what must we do?” John gave them a very simple instruction. He said, “Give.” He said if you have 2 shirts, give one to the poor and if you have any food, share it with someone who is hungry. In a sense, he was teaching them what the condition of our hearts should be like. He was teaching them that we should live a life of sacrifice. We should be a people that give, even if we don’t have a lot.
Imagine how much different the world would be if we all thought like this. You’ve heard the scripture before, John 3:16. It’s the most famous scripture. Let me remind you what it says. “For God loved the world so much
that He “Gave.” Wow! Even the God of the universe was a giver. Now, 2,000 years later, the world is still talking about Him. You too can be the type of person that gives and sacrifices in such a way that years later, people will be talking about you. Trust me, it won’t be too difficult to stand out amongst the myriad of selfishness.
I challenge you to become a giver, a selfless giver. You remember the golden rule? Do for others, whatever you’d like them to do to you. It’s actually in the bible. It’s Matthew 7:12. Imagine a world where everyone was focused on helping everyone else achieve greatness instead of trying to achieve it for themselves. It can start with you.